API documentation

wolpert.pipeline: Pipeline classes and utility functions


StackingLayer(transformer_list[, n_jobs, …]) Creates a single layer for the stacked ensemble.
StackingPipeline(steps[, memory]) A pipeline of ``StackingLayer``s with a final estimator.


make_stack_layer(*estimators, **kwargs) Creates a single stack layer to be used in a stacked ensemble.

wolpert.wrappers: Wrappers


HoldoutWrapper([default_method, …]) Helper class to wrap estimators with HoldoutStackableTransformer
CVWrapper([default_method, default_scoring, …]) Helper class to wrap estimators with CVStackableTransformer
TimeSeriesWrapper([default_method, …]) Helper class to wrap estimators with TimeSeriesStackableTransformer
HoldoutStackableTransformer(estimator[, …]) Transformer to turn estimators into meta-estimators for model stacking
CVStackableTransformer(estimator[, method, …]) Transformer to turn estimators into meta-estimators for model stacking
TimeSeriesStackableTransformer(estimator[, …]) Transformer to turn estimators into meta-estimators for model stacking